在线 psychology student working with a child patient.

Making a better world

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (在线)

Improve the mental health and well-being of others.

Loyola University 新奥尔良 offers its highly respected, top-ranked bachelor of psychology online in a convenient format. Designed for students seeking flexibility without sacrificing prestige, our 100% online psychology degree provides both a liberal arts foundation and specific expertise in human behavior, including how individuals think, 行为, and relate to others.



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Review the admission requirements for Loyola's online bachelor of arts in psychology program.

在线 Psychology Degree Curriculum

This online bachelor’s degree in psychology program offers the same academic rigor as its on-campus counterpart and is taught by the same faculty, who are experts in fields such as cognitive neuroscience, behavioral neuroscience, and social and personality psychology. The online psychology degree program encourages students to approach psychology as a scientific discipline, 评估, 查询, and analyzing psychological and behavioral issues to make sound judgments. The online psychology courses are structured with working adults in mind, enabling students to study while maintaining personal and professional commitments.




Bachelor of Arts in Psychology


Loyola's online Bachelor's degree in Psychology consists of 120 credit hours, which includes:

  • 18 hours of Major courses
  • 18 hours of Psychology elective courses
  • 39 hours of 罗耀拉核心 courses
  • 45 hours of General Elective courses

请查看 University 公告 to view further curriculum information about Loyola's online psychology degree and download a degree worksheet.

What can you do with an online psychology degree?


discover your full potential.

Loyola’s bachelor of psychology online will prepare you for graduate-level study in order to become a licensed psychologist, as well as a wide range of rewarding careers improving the mental health and well-being of others, 包括:

  • Correctional Field Officer
  • 人力资源 Manager
  • Labor Relations Manager
  • 市场研究
  • Rehabilitation Specialist
  • Social Services Specialist
  • 社会工作者
  • 审判顾问

Niche 大学 Logo

"Ranked the 2nd best college for psychology in louisiana."

 ——Niche, 2019

认证 and National Recognitions



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