Certificate in Theology and 部


Earn 研究生 Credit or Continuing Education Units

“[S]tudying theology means living on the frontier, one in which the Gospel meets the needs of the people to whom it should be proclaimed in an understandable and meaningful way,写道:“ 教皇弗朗西斯 in 2015.  The Certificate in Theology and 部 helps you to understand and apply theology in a practical way to your life and ministry, enabling you to step out onto the frontier of which 教皇弗朗西斯 speaks. With a grounding in Scripture, 基本的神学, 和圣礼, you will deepen your own understanding of and relationship to God and become better prepared to serve others in your ministry.


Monday, September 16, 2024 7:00 – 8:00 PM Central Time

研究生 Credits or Continuing Education Units


Whether you earn graduate credits or continuing education units (CEUs), you will take the same graduate-level courses and participate in a community of learners eager to put their education to use in the world.


A credit hour is the unit of measuring educational credit, which is usually based on the number of classroom hours and out of class student work per week throughout a term. Courses in the LIM program are each worth 3 credit hours.

What are continuing education units?

Continuing education units are used to signify successful completion of non-credit programs and courses intended to improve the knowledge and skills of working adults. CEUs are recorded on an official Loyola transcript and kept in the permanent records of the university. Courses in the LIM program are each worth 3 continuing education units.

Why choose graduate credits or continuing education units?

Students who choose to earn graduate credits may wish to qualify for a higher position within their field of work, unlock the potential to earn a higher salary, or facilitate a career change. Students who choose to earn continuing education units may lack the required bachelor’s degree to enroll for the graduate degree, while others already have graduate credentials and do not wish to earn another graduate credential. 除了, graduate students must complete papers and projects that are not required of CEU students. A final consideration is cost: 1 graduate credits costs approximately 3 times the cost of 1 continuing education unit.


18 研究生 Credits or Continuing Education Units

Certificate in Theology and 部


Loyola’s Certificate in Theology and 部 consists of 18 graduate credits or continuing education units of theology courses.

请查看 大学的公告 to view further curriculum information about Loyola's theology and ministry program.


Start the conversation — learn more about your program of interest


Review the admission requirements for Loyola's Certificate in Theology and 部 program.