


MG游戏官方网站 has partnered with Ochsner Health to offer a pre-licensure 护理学学士学位 (BSN) degree that combines patient-centered clinical care with an academically-competitive liberal arts curriculum. 通过我们的耶稣会教育, 你会培养批判性思维, 伦理决策, and 沟通 skills to grow as a leader in the healthcare industry and make a difference in your community.

Loyola’s pre-licensure nursing program stands out with these advantages:

  • You'll spend all four years on our beautiful campus in the heart of Uptown 新奥尔良, enjoying the opportunities of a full college experience in one of the most unique cities in the world. 
  • 你将把你的课程作业和我们的联系起来 耶稣会的价值观 focusing on “cura personalis” – care of the whole person – as well as becoming men and women in service to others.   
  • You’ll learn by doing through guaranteed clinical placements with our partner, Ochsner Health.
  • You will graduate prepared to analyze complex situations and make evidence-based clinical judgments for your patients in a rapidly-changing healthcare environment.


Find your place as an innovator and realize your vision to help heal others. With a BSN from Loyola, you’ll have the tools you need to bring your career goals to life. 了解更多关于 我们的录取流程 今天就开始申请吧.




Loyola Ochsner模拟实验室

的 Loyola Ochsner 护理 Simulation Lab recreates the experience of working in a real healthcare facility. You'll have the opportunity to practice clinical skills and make errors in a safe, 控制环境. 理论联系实践, you'll learn by doing and develop essential critical thinking and 沟通 skills. 作为一名BSN学生, you can start learning in the sim lab in the first semester of your second year of studies.


You can receive your bachelor of science in nursing after completing the prerequisites in the pre-nursing program in your first year. 不像大多数学校, Loyola offers a direct admit to the nursing program for pre-nursing students enrolled in the program who earn a grade of a “C” or better and maintain a minimum GPA of 3.所有必修课程成绩为0分.

Developed in partnership with Ochsner clinical faculty, the curriculum is a blend of theory and evidence-based clinical practice providing a foundation to prepare for the NCLEX licensing exam and success in a broad range of nursing and healthcare roles. Most students will be able to complete the pre-nursing and nursing curriculum in four years. 

在你最后两年的学习中, you’ll complete eight clinical rotations to develop floor-ready skills under the supervision of professional healthcare providers. You’ll explore the following nursing specialties throughout your clinical experience:

  • 医疗外科/成人保健
  • 妇女的健康
  • 儿科
  • 心理健康
  • mg游戏试玩卫生
  • 急救护理


通过我们与奥克斯纳健康公司的合作, you’ll gain clinical experience at one of the finest healthcare systems in the country. 路易斯安那州排名第一的医院 U.S. 新闻与世界报道, you will apply what you learn in the classroom in real clinical environments under guidance of experienced professional nurses and healthcare providers. 

随着医疗保健行业的快速变化, our partnership will allow you to stay on the cutting edge of the latest scientific developments and patient-centered practices. 毕业后, you’ll be familiar with the Ochsner system and have built a strong professional network to prepare for your career.


当你选择洛约拉大学学习时, you gain a lifetime of support and access to our wealth of professional resources. 通过 泛美学生成功中心, you'll have access to career development support and success coaching throughout your undergraduate experience. 我们会帮助你建立关系网, 沟通, and writing skills required for a successful career in healthcare. 

在学习期间, you’ll also have the opportunity to explore a range of careers available for professional nurses in the healthcare industry and beyond. 除了在医院的角色, 门诊中心, 还有医生办公室, graduates may pursue careers working for insurance companies, 大学, 信仰mg游戏试玩, 私人公司, as well as positions in telemedicine and community health. 


For those who would like to continue their studies after earning a BSN, Loyola also offers an online graduate degree program through the 护理与健康学院. 的 护理学硕士 offers specialization tracks for Family Nurse Practitioner, Healthcare Systems Administration & 领导, 护士教育工作者, and 护理 Informatics to help you develop expertise according to your career goals in the industry. 


Our faculty bring evidence-based professional nursing expertise to the classroom. 的y are active in the healthcare community and will challenge you to develop the real-world cognitive and psychomotor skills you need for success after graduation.